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Whoops! I have my Moons.
Oups!J'ai mes lunes affiche

How would you answer the following question: "Explain to me what the rules are for you"?

Periods, still a taboo?

For several months, we collected testimonies from young girls, teenagers and women of various nationalities about the arrival of their first period. 

Even if the experience of the first period remains unique to each one, we are linked by common emotions. Emotions that remain over time, are transmitted from mothers to daughters sometimes too. Transgenerational stories based on common memories. 

Provide authentic representation. Unbiased. On which the youngest can rely in the construction of the self. 

Our societies are not prepared for the arrival of the rules. However, it is a natural cycle that affects the entire population. It then seemed obvious to us that it was important to rethink our relationship to the rules.

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An informative, participatory and entertaining documentary-testimony.

This documentary is intended for young girls who are about to meet them, in order to give them the tools of knowledge for a better relationship with the rules. But also to future parents, teachers, families and friends who will accompany these young girls. He has the ambition to inform and prepare the girls for the arrival of their moons; regardless of sexuality. And thus, allow them to apprehend their body, their emotions and hormonal changes serenely. 

So that the women of tomorrow dare to ask for hygienic protection out loud.  So that false excuses or proof of absences are no longer necessary. So that the institutions finally understand that the rules are a matter of public health and that better care is essential.

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Appe temoignage
Call for testimonials

You want to share your first period experience alone or with your family. 

You want to express yourself about the rules, the female cycle.

I'm registering

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